Thursday, September 6, 2012

Can't We All Just Get Along?

I have to get this off my chest and hope you guys won't mind me venting for a second. This is not directed at any one person in particular but is something that's been bothering me for a long time and it's only getting worse. I don't talk much about politicians or political parties in public forums so this will probably be the only time you'll see anything from me about the elections this year. I'm not going to tell you who I support or how I think you should vote because that isn't relevant to what today's blog is about. I will say this - please remember that we are all hoping for a bright tomorrow. We may have different ideas about how to get there but just because we don't agree on programs or methods does not make me a bad person. It does not mean that I am stupid or evil. It also does not mean that I am out to destroy America.
I'm all for debate (if you know me at all then you know I like to argue) and think that if we could have truly honest and respectful discussions then we might be able to find some middle ground, or at least some room to compromise. I'm happy to say that a couple of my friends are doing just that, and I love to see them spitting ideas back and forth. But there are many, many more people digging in heels to declare how "we're right and you're wrong". Those people don't hear anyone else because they are too busy talking about their own superior ideologies. If we continue on this way as a society we are doomed to just beat ourselves into the ground. We can only move forward if we are willing to work together.

I have seen too many negative posts on both sides of this election and it makes me incredibly sad. Whether you like our current President or not, the racist posts and pictures about the Obamas should never be seeing the light of day. Nor should people be attacking Romney's family. Some of the things I've seen on FB lately have literally made me nauseous. When did it become ok to publicly make racist or hateful comments about someone just because you don't like their policies? At least they are trying to make a difference.

Let's focus on the actual issues and try to find some solutions rather than slinging mud back and forth. We get annoyed when our politicians do it - why shouldn't American citizens be held to the same "clean campaign" standards we want to see from those running for office? I regularly hear the words "liberal" and "conservative" thrown around as insults – I am not defined by the political party I'm affiliated with. 

I hope you will think of this the next time you are considering making a comment about this election. Does it help move the discussion forward? If not, we probably don't need to see or hear it. I know I'd prefer not to...